PREMIUM Scalping Course testimony:
Premium course suited me perfectly
I can’t recommend the HODLNOTS Premium course highly enough! TexasCowBoy is my name and I have been in cryptos since 2015, all self-taught. I started my first Hodlnots course with Wendy, and then only completed it through the recordings. Not long after that I went through some real trying times with my health. Once I felt I could get back into it, I realised things had changed and my memory was still failing me. At that time Wendy brought out an extra 1- on-1 training course. My trainer was so understanding of my position, very knowledgeable, and very accommodating in working with times that suited both of us, and most of all, she was very, very patient. She always makes you feel like you’re the centre of her attention – no question goes unanswered . I would HIGHLY recommend any of the Premium trainers to take you through this course, and you will come out the other side an awesome and confident trader. The cost of the course will be made up very quickly after this personal training.❤️